Category: Real Estate
How To Use a Delaware Statutory Trust for 1031 Exchanges
How To Use a Delaware Statutory Trust for 1031 Exchanges As a high-income earner, one of the largest expenses you have is taxes. Unfortunately, too many doctors become complacent with paying almost half of their salary to the IRS and never do anything about it. Why? I don’t know. Look, I’m not an accountant so…
What’s an eQRP? 7 Advantages To Invest vs IRAs
The first time someone mentioned eQRP, I thought they were talking about a hot stock tip. I remember first hearing the term two years ago in Dallas at a real estate conference about apartment syndications. Many attendees in the room were like most Passive Investor Circle members, searching for alternate ways to invest their locked-up retirement account money.…
7 Reasons Doctors Should Invest In Apartments
Apartment Investing 101 for Doctors By now, you probably know that I love to invest passively in real estate, but I also have a passion for sharing how to do it here with you each week. Why? Well, why not? It seems that people continue holding onto their scarcity mindset after their education/training is completed.…
7 Steps – How To Build A Real Estate Empire
How To Build A Real Estate Empire And Retire Early Most people only focus growing their active income. This type of income buys fancy cars, expensive homes, and designer clothing, all while simultaneously being taxed at the highest rate. Yep, read that last part again. Active income is the most heavily taxed of any income. …
What To Buy Before a Recession – 6 Stages To Success
What To Buy Before a Recession? Each time a recession hits, it takes us by surprise – no matter if you’ve been through a one before or not. On average, since 1900, the US has experienced a recession every four years. Because of this, it’s important to know what to expect and how to handle…
The 7 Best Real Estate Books For Investing
The 7 Best Real Estate Books For Investing One of the more popular Google searches today has to do with achieving financial freedom. When I turned 40, we reached debt-free status which felt great for about….two weeks. As a periodontist, my life has been centered around setting and accomplishing goals. After getting into dental school then a residency;…
2 Types of Goals Real Estate Investors Should Consider
2 Types of Goals Real Estate Investors Should Consider In preparation to becoming a real estate investor, here’s the step I see most doctors skip: developing specific types of goals to lead them to success. Why? Because it takes some thinking and planning and most don’t want to put in the time to do it.…
Is Real Estate The Best Way To Invest 100k For Doctors?
Is Real Estate The Best Way To Invest 100k For Doctors? Most doctors and other high-earning professionals that reach out to me understand that I love investing in passive real estate. Once they join the Passive Investors Circle and start educating themselves on real estate, they’ll also learn that it usually takes a minimum of…
Got Diversification? 5 Ways To Maximize Your Real Estate Portfolio
Got Diversification? 5 Ways To Maximize Your Real Estate Portfolio One of the top reasons new members of the Passive Investors Circle initially join is the concern that the majority of their investments are in the stock market. Basically they’re seeking other alternatives realizing that diversification is important because of the old adage, “Don’t put…
17 Inspiring Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes
17 Inspiring Rich Dad Poor Dad Quotes If you ask most real estate investors what’s the #1 book that compelled them to pursue passive income, their answer would be Robert Kiyosaki’s Rich Dad Poor Dad. Two major points in the book that initially grabbed my attention were: You do NOT need a high income to…
Dave Is Wrong! You CAN Retire Early With Real Estate
Dave Is Wrong! You CAN Retire Early With Real Estate I’ve lately turned to YouTube videos and podcasts while I’m on the treadmill to help break the boredom. So when I recently came across a video of a young girl asking Dave Ramsey about how she can retire early, I admit, my curiosity was piqued.…