Category: Personal Finance
How to Retire Early – The Ultimate Beginner’s Guide To FI
How to Retire Early In 4 Easy Steps [Editor’s Note: Today’s post is a Guest Article from Cashflow. He’s a police officer dedicated to blog about Financial Independence (FI) and retiring early. His goal is to reach FI by the age of 40.] Ignore all of the noise and fancy words like tax-loss harvesting and…
5 Bible Verses About Contentment That Can Make You Rich
Bible Verses About Contentment That Can Make You Rich Growing up, we never wanted for much even though compared to some of my friends, it seemed like we were lacking in the finance department. It wasn’t until junior high and freshman year of high school that I began to realize that many of the people…
8 Ways Young Adults Can Avoid “Failure to Launch”
How to Avoid “Failure to Launch” into Financial Adulthood [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is a guest post from Brian over at Debt Discipline] Have you heard the phrase “Failure to Launch” before? There was a $100 million-grossing movie, starring Matthew McConaughey and Sarah Jessica Parker of the same name. If you’re a parent, you might…
You Are Broke Because You Root For The Underdog (S.W.A.T review)
You Are Broke Because You Root For The Underdog (S.W.A.T review) [Editor’s Note: Today’s post is from Ryan who’s a full time police officer and personal finance blogger. Check out his blog over at] You’re broke because you root for the underdog? That’s quite a powerful assumption to make but it may actually be…
How To Harness The Neurological Power Behind The Debt Snowball
How To Harness The Neurological Power Behind The Debt Snowball {Editor’s Note: This article was written by Mr. SR from Semi Retire Plan. He writes about personal finance, behavioral economics, and early retirement. This article was originally published on The Money Mix and is published here with permission.} Have you heard personal finance bloggers mention…
The 7 Habits I Learned From Interviewing Successful People
The 7 Habits I Learned From Interviewing Successful People [Editor’s Note: Today’s guest post is from Michael who blogs at Your Money Geek. This is where he shares his experience, unique insights, and profiles inspirational success stories. When he is not writing about personal finance Michael can be found enjoying a sci-fi book. When you…
3 Steps – How To Build Wealth From Nothing
How To Build Wealth From Nothing If you’re like most doctors or other healthcare professionals, starting out practicing with a negative net worth is more common than not. While your friends began working in their 20’s, you couldn’t start until much later due to a lengthy training schedule well into your 30’s or 40’s. I…
The Mexican Fisherman Story – How Much Is Enough?
I recently ran across a story I’d heard years ago called, “The Parable of The Mexican Fisherman Story.” Here’s the story both in audio and text form: The Mexican Fisherman Story An American investment banker was standing at the pier of a small coastal village in Mexico when a small boat with just one…
Betterment vs Wealthfront – Which Robo-Advisor Is Best?
Betterment vs Wealthfront: One of my goals this year is to make better use of my time. Thankfully, I don’t spend much of it commuting to work but I do spend a good sixty to ninety minutes a day exercising. Normally, I pop in my headphones and listen to music while working out. But now…
6 Easy Steps To Stress-Free Wedding Planning on a Budget
The Guide to Stress-Free Wedding Planning on a Budget [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is from Jessica Bishop, founder of The Budget Savvy Bride, an extensive online resource to help couples plan a beautiful wedding they’re proud of on a budget they can actually afford. Jessica has shared her money-saving tips and planning advice with outlets…
How A Small Business Loan Can Ramp-Up Your Business
How This Couple Used A Small Business Loan To Level-Up Their Practice [Editor’s Note: This article was written by Mike from] “One hundred fifty thousand dollars on the build-out, $275K on the practice, and another couple hundred on the goodwill…” It was like a sick and twisted math problem, circa 1st grade, just adding…
Why The Doctor Suicide Rate Is Rising
Doctor suicide rates are on the rise. Over 1 million Americans will lose their physician this year to suicide. This was an alarming fact that I recently heard from The Doctor’s Show. Here’s a brief segment of the show: I’ve been wanting to write an article that addresses this issue but quite honestly have been…