Category: Personal Finance
The Top 10 Business Quotes to Inspire Success NOW!
The 10 Best Business Quotes to Inspire Success [Editor’s Note: Today’s article is a guest post from Andrew Herrig the founder of Wealthy Nickel where he writes about all things personal finance. He has a passion for helping people pursue financial freedom through saving money, making money, and building wealth. Andrew documents his family’s journey to…
7 Steps – How To Make Your Money Work For You
7 Steps – How To Make Your Money Work For You I once heard it said that one of the biggest differences between the average “Joe” and the wealthy is this: Wealthy people earn interest while everyone else pays it. Knowing what I know now, you can replace the average “Joe” with the average “doctor”.…
The Best Leadership Quotes and How to Apply Them
The Best Leadership Quotes and How to Apply Them [Editor’s Note: Today’s article in a guest post from Jesse Cramer who is an engineer and an avid reader/writer. He runs the blog The Best Interest, which started as his creative outlet but gained recognition for explaining complex personal finance ideas in simple terms. Jesse discusses money basics,…
Do You Have A Fear Of Money? – Chrometophobia
Do You Have A Fear Of Money? – Chrometophobia Whether you realize it or not, many people have some type of irrational fear of money. There’s actually a specific term for it: Chrometophobia – which is the extreme fear of money stemming from the Greek words “chrimata” (money) and “phobos” (fear). There are many different…
Money Mindset – 3 Steps From Poor To Rich Mindset
Money Mindset – 3 Steps To Shift From Poor To Rich Mindset It seems the more I learn, the more I realize that if we want to achieve or improve at anything in life, including our financial life, it starts with a mindset shift. Most docs and other high-income earners that join our Passive Investors…
The Truth About Debt – The Borrower Is Slave To The Lender
The Truth About Debt – The Borrower Is Slave To The Lender There are many people currently hurting financially during the COVID-19 crisis and most of it can be attributed to debt. The information that my friend, Dr. Brent Lacey shares below is invaluable at times like these during a financial crisis. I recently had…
7 Lessons Learned During The Coronavirus Pandemic
7 Lessons Learned During The Coronavirus Pandemic I can still remember that night like it was yesterday. My son and I were watching his favorite NBA team play on TV, the Dallas Mavericks. That Wednesday was only 3 days away from his birthday trip/gift – (near)court side seats to watch his favorite player, Luka Doncic…
How To Tithe Correctly And Still Get Wealthy
How To Tithe Correctly And Still Get Wealthy Whether you’re a Christian or not, the simple act of giving makes you an overall better person and it’s a topic that’s discussed rather frequently on other personal finance blogs such as: The Physician On Fire: The Donor Advised Fund My wife and I began teaching this…
Financial Stress During a Crisis – 5 Lessons Learned
Financial Stress During a Crisis – 5 Lessons Learned I still vividly remember eating lunch with my friends (Ben and Brad) back in 2009 when the markets were sinking on a daily basis. We had a weekly routine of loading up on a generous helping of soul food at The Kitchen Restaurant here in Monroe,…
Dave Ramsey Baby Steps: Are You Prepared For The Next Crisis?
Dave Ramsey Baby Steps: Are You Prepared For The Next Crisis? [Editor’s Note: Today’s article in a guest post from Dr. Adebayo Fasanya who blogs at Dr Breathe Easy Finance. He’s a pulmonary and critical care doctor by day, a personal finance blogger/debt slaying ninja at night. After paying off $300,000 in student loan debt,…
The Coronavirus Financial Survival Kit for Healthcare Professionals
The Coronavirus Financial Survival Kit for Healthcare Professionals [Editor’s Note: Today’s article in a guest post from Dr. Brent W. Lacey, M.D. is a gastroenterologist who is passionate about helping physicians succeed with business and personal finances. As a physician, he understands how overwhelming it can be to step out of clinical training and into…
7 Steps – How To Become Financially Independent
How To Become Financially Independent (FI) Recently while listening to a podcast, I was reminded about something I’d heard of several years ago when I first started practicing, Parkinson’s Law. It was developed by English writer Cyril Northcote Parkinson and states that, “Work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.” For…