
Category: Book Summaries

  • 5 Practical Steps On How To Think About Money

    5 Practical Steps On How To Think About Money

    The first paragraph in personal finance columnist Jonathan Clements’s book, How To Think About Money, sums it up rather precisely. It states, “There are those who think the goal of investing is to beat the market and amass as much wealth as possible (I used to be that guy), that street smarts and hard work…

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  • The Doctor’s Guide To Eliminating Debt – 5 Minute Book Summary

    The Doctor’s Guide To Eliminating Debt – 5 Minute Book Summary

    It’s funny how our paths cross in life. During a break at a recent FinCon meeting (conference for financial bloggers and professionals), I happened to turn to the guy sitting behind me. It seemed that there had been a schedule change that I was unaware of. Little did I know that this “guy” happened to be someone…

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  • Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind Book Summary

    Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind Book Summary

    Secrets of the millionaire mind book summary: When it comes to becoming a millionaire, most think about how to make money. In the book, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, author T. Harv Eker discusses in detail what we must do FIRST if we ever want to become wealthy & it all has to do with…

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